Advancing learning outcomes and promoting equity in education

Join us to expand quality programming so every student, has the tools to thrive in a more just society.

Evidence-Based Literacy Solutions For Learners and Educators


Learners start at birth and pursue their journeys throughout schooling and beyond.

Parents & Caregivers

We work to support parents, families, and caregivers with research-supported literacy activities.


We equip caring educators beyond traditional classroom settings with our high-quality, evidence-based interventions.

Too many learners are excluded. We help students of all ages access high-quality literacy education.

Currently, educational inequity stops too many students & families from accessing enriching educational environments. Our research-supported programs empower students and create meaningful improvements in their academic trajectories.

Our Model

We provide research-supported strategies from childhood to adulthood, focusing on literacy, academic excellence, and family involvement to meet diverse needs.


Early Education

We equip educators and engage parents to nurture core literacy skills in children aged 0-5.

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We pave the way for long-term student success with a focus on core subjects.


Family Literacy

We empower adults to enhance their own literacy skills and create enriching environments for children.

Support Our Work

Your support enables us to create brighter educational futures for students, families, and educators. Consider making a financial contribution today to help us continue our vital work.

Stay Informed. Transform Education.

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