50K in 5 Years

Join our ambitious initiative to promote grade-level reading through proven literacy programs.

A $15 Million Initiative to Reach 50,000 Students

As federal relief aid comes to an end, concerns mount that struggling students and their families will be left behind.

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Meaningfully Advancing Student Learning at a Cost of $300 per Student

Your support will unlock opportunities for thousands of students, families, and educators.

Expanding Access

Launching a statewide online literacy initiative, Helping NC, to scale high-impact tutoring for thousands of students and provide high-quality support at the low cost of $300 per student.

Building Capacity

Training, coaching, and working alongside educators, with the strategic role of Fluency Interventionists, to implement small-group literacy instruction with strong fidelity and meaningful outcomes for students.

Scaling Partnerships

Supporting families with early literacy skills through Story Exploring and Motheread/Fatheread programs to foster reading proficiency and long-term success for elementary students.

Together, we can unleash their limitless potential.

Become a volunteer and join our efforts to improve literacy skills for thousands of students in North Carolina!