Motheread/Fatheread Training

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The Motheread/Fatheread (MR/FR) program includes 29 thoroughly developed and research-supported lessons that help parents/caregivers to enhance their literacy skills in four key areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They learn how to share stories and themes with children in engaging ways that will help to enhance their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking. MR/FR lessons utilize children’s books as well as adult literature to encourage parents/caregivers and children to make connections between stories and their own experiences.

Motheread/Fatheread, like all other programs offered by Helping Education, is evidence-based and research-supported. Over the past three decades, development and evaluation of MR/FR has engaged scholars, education experts, and researchers who have helped to make its adult and child instructional models and curriculum design relevant, meaningful, and effective. 

The Motheread/Fatheread training is a 20 hour training program that prepares educators to implement MR/FR programs with parents to teach literacy skills as well as the importance of reading regularly with their children.

The total time of training is 20 hours.  

Training takes place across 3 days.

As part of the training, each participant will receive:

  • The Motheread/Fatheread materials, which include the Motheread/Fatheread curriculum of 29 lessons, Story Extenders provided for each lesson, an Early Childhood Supplement for 0-5 years accompanying each Story Extender, and an ESL Supplement.
  • CEU’s from North Carolina State University

Please note: Upon completion of training, participants will be certified to facilitate Motheread/Fatheread classes, but are not permitted to train other individuals to facilitate the program. The Motheread/Fatheread curriculum does not support a Train the Trainer model.

Upcoming Training Dates and Times:

  • Online training:
    • Tuesday, September 24 – Thursday, September 26 | 9:00am – 4:00pm | Location: Common Desk (2020 Progress Ct, Raleigh, NC 27608)